Hi, I'm Darryl

I am a software developer with a passion for data mining and database engineering. I love working with Python, C++, and Linux. I am a fast learner and enjoy being exposed to new technologies.
Here's a link to my github and another to my resume.



Python DASH Flask

The brainchild of my good friend Jared and I and our love of cars, BATty is a severless web application for tracking the price of used cars over time using data publicly posted to Bring A Trailer. The project is based on a project we worked on around March 2018. BATty is hosted on an AWS EC2 server with Flask, and car selection values and the chart is generated using simple SQL calls to a SQLite database.

July 22 Update: Due to the finicky nature of the free AWS tier, the project is currently hosted on Heroku

Live Version

Github Link


Python discord.py

Originally starting as a script to help me download images from a Discord channel for an image classifier, WoodyBot has slowly become one of my favorite projects. It is currently built on the discord.py framework and is hosted on an Amazon AWS EC2 server. It currently helps me moderate 3 Discord servers by managing users and monitoring chat for inappropriate content. The bot is also capable of returning google and reddit queries to the chat, and can mimic certain users' speech with a simple markov chain ran against user generated text.

Github Link

2014 Hacker News Data Pipeline


In the final guided project in the DataQuest Data Engineering path, I wrote a backbone Pipeline class using functional programming paradigms. The goal of the project was to transform a 200 MB JSON file of Hacker News data into something capable of being parsed within memory and to return a list of the top 100 most used words.

Github Link

Ethereum Casino App


First foray into dApp development. Built using Merunas Grincalaitis' Medium Tutorial.

Github Link